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National Pollinator Week 2024

Dates: 6/17/2024 - 6/23/2024
Times: 9:00AM to 4:00PM each day
Price: Free with Admission

Join us at the Little Rock Zoo to celebrate National Pollinator Week! This week is dedicated to raising awareness about the vital role pollinators play in our ecosystem and how we can support their well-being. We have a series of engaging activities planned to help you learn about these essential creatures and how you can make a difference.

How You Can Help Pollinators This Summer!

Provide Water:
It’s hot outside, and just like you, pollinators need to drink water to stay cool in the heat. Place a small, shallow dish filled with water and pebbles outside in a shady location where bees and butterflies can find it. The pebbles provide a place to land when drinking. Be sure to change out the water frequently to prevent algae growth and it from drying out!

Provide Shelter:
Bee hotels provide valuable nesting habitats for solitary bees. Bee hotels can be purchased in a variety of styles or made with upcycled materials, creating a home for pollinator species. Planting flowers can encourage them to stick around!

Pass on the Pesticides:
Common landscaping pesticides often affect the bees and butterflies responsible for feeding us. Familiarize yourself with ingredients that affect pollinators to ensure beneficial insects are not harmed. Planting lavender, lemongrass, American beauty berry, and other herbs and shrubs can act as natural pest control to keep undesirable bugs at bay.

By supporting pollinator conservation efforts and creating pollinator-friendly habitats, we can help ensure their continued existence and the health of our ecosystems.

Join us for National Pollinator Week at the Little Rock Zoo and discover the crucial role pollinators play in our world. Your participation helps support these important initiatives and makes a positive impact on our environment!

Schedule of Activities

June 18:
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Scavenger Hunt and Pop-up Play in the Sensory Garden

June 20:
The Zoo will be joined by our friends at Quail Forever to celebrate Pollinator Week!
Pollinator Story Time: 9:30 AM, 10:30 AM, 11:30 AM
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Pollinator Crafts, Activities, and Information at the Quail Forever Booth
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Citizen Science Center: Learn about Monarch butterflies, their life cycle, migration, and how you can help!

June 23:
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Pollinator Nature Play and Seed Ball Creation in the Sensory Garden

* Please confirm directly with the promoter or box office to ensure event details have not changed.

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